Wellness Services
Providing you with the tools and support you need to cultivate balance, sustainability, resilience, self-compassion, and confidence!
Key elements of my holistic wellness coaching
Movement & Exercise
Designing personalized & mindful movement programs tailored directly towards women, helping them reconnect with their bodies, boost their energy , and enhance their overall wellbeing
Nutrition & Supplementation
Creating personalized, effective nutrition & supplemental routines intended to help provide key nutrients for women at any stage of life, optimize their health & promote life long healthy eating habits
Stress Management & Mental Resilience
Helping women to lower their cortisol and boost their resilience by identifying stress triggers, developing personalized coping strategies, and cultivating a growth mindset -
Recovery & Rejuvenation
Providing women with personalized recovery plans that implement various forms of self care, promote healing and renewal, and include an array of relaxation techniques tailored to fit women's needs
Hormonal Health & Balance
Assisting women in taking control over their hormonal health by addressing how hormones affect the female body at each stage of life, identifying the signs of symptoms of hormonal imbalances, and making specific lifestyle adjustments that promote balance
Chronic Disease & Disorder Management
Helping women navigate the complexities of mental, emotional, or physical health challenges through providing personalized guidance, support, and strategies to help manage or improve symptoms
Mindfullness & Emotional Awareness
Guiding women through practices that help them to release shame or limiting beliefs, foster present-moment awareness, and cultivate a deeper understanding of their feelings
Long Term Goal Setting & Progress Tracking
Assisting women in making sustainable lifestyle changes by setting clear, realistic objectives, breaking them down into manageable steps, tracking all progress, and celebrating each accomplishment